Business webinars

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Webinar for snappy business life:
How to choose a shipping solution for an e-shop?
Updated 04.09.2023

Planning to run an e-shop and wondering how to solve the logistics of the goods in the best and most economical way? Shipment transportation is key in this case → a smart shipping solution can take the e-shop to a higher level. Welcome to the second part of the Besteron business webinars.

The often-solved topic of shipment transportation was handled by an expert in shipping solutions, Tomáš Záškvara from Neoship, who, thanks to his many years of experience and xy cases that he solved with clients regarding logistics, is simply the best in the field.


What you will learn from the webinar:

Why it is important to choose the right shipping solution

What to consider in terms of price

How to reduce costs and maintain top quality services

And also recommendations, practical examples with comparisons and a link to a free ebook :)